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Montestigliano, a story to be told

Agriturismo in toscana con piscina

Montestigliano, a story to be told

What I’m about to tell you is an ancient story, a story of tradition and love and dedication.

Tradition, because the houses found in Montestigliano – houses which now host anyone who wants to lose themselves in the beauty of the Tuscan countryside – were farmhouses in the 1800s. They were an expression of all the work and love the farmers put into the land, a land they inhabited, worked, and lived.

Love, because the birth of the hamlet is linked to Luigi Donati’s unconditional love for this tiny corner of paradise.

Dedication, because our family – the Donati family – practically grew up in this hamlet and has continually cultivated it with new ideas and initiatives as well as with the demanding work of the land.

What characterises this story is the concept of “discovery”, because it is especially thanks to the drive of those who wanted to uncover a peaceful place in the immense Tuscan countryside that all this came to be, grew and evolved.

An 18th century hamlet, waiting to be discovered.

1786 was the year the story of this small, delightful hamlet began to take shape. Numerous different families have determined its birth, growth, and evolution to this very day. If the walls of Montestigliano could speak, they would have so much to say, especially with regards to the love and dedication that every family here has devoted to this corner of paradise.

Our history begins in the ‘50s, that is, when our grandfather Luigi Donati – a young businessman from the Marche Region -discovered and fell in love with Montestigliano in 1953.

Our grandfather was a man from another era. He fell in love with this land the moment he set eyes on it. It is now the land where we share moments of laughter, and joy, and birth with all those who come to visit us and decide to experience some of the most stimulating, relaxing, and important moments of their life.

When our grandfather acquired the central hamlet together with its thirty farmhouses, roughly 40 sharecroppers lived and worked the land.

When our father Giancarlo inherited the hamlet, sharecropping no longer existed and the houses were abandoned. It was in that moment that the plan to transform the hamlet into an agritourism began to take shape. Today Montestigliano is a hamlet where you can “lose yourself” in the beauty, the art, and the abundance of flavours of the land.

We would like for Montestigliano to become a bit your land too, a land where you can breathe in century-old traditions while savouring the excellent wines and the delicious cuisine made only with ingredients cultivated on our land, and where you can immerse yourself in our Italian culture made of history, traditions and beauty.